Reminder, no practice tomorrow. Ædult Swim is still going on.
Being the online web log for the Southwestern Pennsylvania branch of the SCA, Inc.
Reminder, no practice tomorrow. Ædult Swim is still going on.
Hi folks! All martial practices will be cancelled on Sunday, February 16th due to Ædult Swim, which many of our members will be attending! Details here:
Congratulations to our new Minister of Arts and Sciences, the Honorable Lady Elinor Walden! Her Ladyship Elinor has some great plans to expand arts and sciences activities in the Barony, and better communicate the opportunities for participation that are available. Remember that you can always contact the current minister by sending email to “ansminister (at) debatablelands (dot) org”.
Salve Acolens!
Officers and any barony members who choose to join us, tonight is the bimonthly business meeting. Last meeting we moved to a partly in-person meeting, retaining the virtual option for those who need it. It mostly worked well until my phone hot spot died, kicking off all our virtual attendees for the last 5 minutes. My apologies- and tonight we’ll have a microphone and two extra power cords! We welcome anyone who would like to see how things work, or consider getting more involved in the running of the barony.
8:00 tonight, at Ace Axe Throwing, 145 E 8th Avenue Homestead, PA 15120. Park in the Aldi lot at 127 E 7th Ave just around the corner. We’ll be in the small group room at the back of the first floor. For those who are interested, the bar will be open. Ace is giving us the space for free, so let’s thank them with some business. Unfortunately, the Puerto Rican restaurant is not open on Wednesdays.
The only new business so far is a discussion of communication and social media, hoping we can find a better way to get information out and solve the problems many of you brought to me around communication and our 12th Night celebration. If you have something please let me know as soon as possible. We’ll be checking in on progress for Iris Festival, as well as conversation about spring and summer barony meetings and the upcoming website move.
Old Minutes:
If you need to join us virtually, Join Zoom Meeting:
If you’re having problems, or you want to add something to the agenda, please reach out to me at
Yours in service,
Ceindrech verch Elidir
Our next Fiber Arts Guild Meeting will be on Monday, February 17th, 7pm, at 5167 Rosecrest Dr, Pittsburgh, PA.
Taking inspiration from the Japanese needle ceremony, this meeting will celebrate our hardworking tools. If you have any metal tools that have broken (needles, pins) that do not have plastic on them, or broken wooden tools, please bring them if you want to recycle them. I will take them to the metal smelt this summer solstice, and they can be used to help make steel for new knives.
If you have any working tools you love and want to share with the guild by showing them off, please bring them if they are portable.
We will also be discussing the intarsia project.
Cake, gluten free and glutenous, will be served. Cori Rosenthal boxes will be present. Masks are welcome and encouraged, but not required.
Hey everyone, just a reminder: there will be no martial practices at Ace Axe Throwing this Sunday, as many of us will be at the Region 2 Muster!
Details here:
As is traditional, we had the Baronial Arts and Sciences Championship at the Debatable Lands 12th Night event yesterday. We had 8 excellent entries, and I do not envy them having to choose their champion from among the entrants.
In the end (and after some argument), Michiharu’s Kimchi of Various Styles was chosen by the Baronage as their favorite entry, and Oyama-dono was named as their new Arts and Sciences Champion!
We must cancel all practice at Ace Axe Throwing this Sunday, 1/26/25. Ace has closed the 5th floor and is performing maintenance on the elevator this weekend.
Next week 2/2/25, we will also be canceling practice for the Regional muster. I hope to see folks there.
We are holding practice this Sunday, 1/19, at Ace. In error we had said practice would be canceled if favor of the region 2 muster, but we had some wires crossed. This week is Borderwatch monthly Pots & Shots. The muster is at the same site, but on February 2nd.
So, normal practice this week. Muster in 2 weeks.
Sorry for any confusion.
Hi fencers! The BMDL Fencing Practice Feedback survey will close next Friday, January 24th. If you are a fencer in the barony, or a frequent visitor, please complete it. We will have a brief meeting at practice on January 26th to discuss the survey results and plans for fencing practices going forward.
Form response link: