The Following is the report of the business conducted by Their Excellencies Alonzio and Tatyana, Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands in the court of his Majesty Malcolm King of Æthelmearc. Court Held on June 18th, 2005, AS 40 at Æthelmearc Æcademy. Brandubh O'Donnghaile reporting Herald.
Their Excellencies gave Blausa Korsakova a Silver Comet in recognition of her skill in the art of calligraphy. Scroll scrivened by Her Excellency, Mistress Graidhne ni Ruaidh and limned by Lady Caitriona inghean ui Bhraonain and Lady Elizabeth. Backlog item from Vetr Thing, Feb 5, 2005 AS 39.
Their Excellencies gave Arabella McGrath a Silver Comet in recognition of her outstanding performance as Flaminia in performances with the I Genesii company. Scroll scrivened by Lady Anlaith ingen Trena and limned by THLady Anna Eisenkopf.
Their Excellencies gave Sasha Gray a Silver Comet in recognition of her skill in costuming, calligraphy and illumination and for her knowledge and teaching of the art of fencing. Scroll by Her Excellency, Mistress Graidhne ni Ruaidh.
Their Excellencies gave Odriana vander Brugghe a Gold Comet for her service as autocrat, cook and clerk. Scroll by the Scribes of the Debatable Lands.
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