Practices are held each Sunday afternoon, though the location varies by season:
During the warm-weather months (April through mid-November), practices are held in Highland Park, at the corner of Washington Blvd. and Allegheny River Blvd. Archery and thrown weapons practice begin at 11am and run through 1pm. Fencing begins at 1pm, followed by heavy weapons and youth fighting at 2pm; fencing, heavy weapons and youth fighting continue until 5pm.
During the colder months, Marital Practices for Thrown Weapons, Rattan and Rapier take place at Ace's Ax Throwing - 145 E 8th Avenue Homestead, PA 15120, Sundays 11 am to 3 pm EST. Please watch updates from THLMeinolf Grímsson for Thrown Weapons, Sir Guillaume le Noir du Bordeaux for Rattan, and Don Robert MacEwin for Rapier.