Barony Meetings
General Meetings
General Barony meetings are held at 1:00pm on the third Sunday on the odd numbered months (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, & Nov) in conjunction with the weekly martial practice. Barony Meetings are social meetings where everyone can gather and talk and enjoy the company of friends, and sometimes a fun theme or activity, while being updated on the business and activities of the Barony. Garb is not required for these meetings.
Business Meetings
Business Meetings are held at 8:00pm on the first Wednesday of the even numbered months (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct and Dec). Business Meetings are where the majority of Baronial business is done and decisions are made. These meetings are not restricted to Baronial officers; anyone is free to attend and contribute to the business at hand. The meetings are held virtually via Zoom - visit Stórfréttir for Zoom meeting information.