Baronial Signet: Sasson de Sancta Victoria
Deputy Signet: THLady Lisabetta de Rossi
If you would like to make an award recommendation, please go to the online award recommendation form.
A scriptorium [plural: scriptoria], in the context of the Middle Ages, is a room in a monastery set aside for the copying, writing, or illuminating of manuscripts and records. In the SCA it is where those who are participating in the Scribal arts meet in an informal setting to learn together and share each other's company.
Anyone can host a scriptorium. If you're interested in some of the ins and outs of having one, please refer to "How to Host A Local Scriptorium". If you have any questions or need additional clarification, please contact the Signet via email.
Wednesday Scriptorium
The 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the Month.
Please see the baronial calendar for dates.
- The Baronial Signet promotes the arts of calligraphy and illumination in the BMDL and the Canton of Steltonwald.
- The Baronial Signet receives all requests for Baronial award scrolls from the Baron and Baroness of the BMDL and communicates directly with Them regarding the status of those scroll assignments.
- The Baronial Signet brings to the attention of the Crown candidates who deserve recognition for their work in the scribal arts, including: Those who produce scrolls for the Barony or Kingdom; Those gentles in the BMDL and Steltonwald who teach the Scribal Arts; and all others who support the Scribal community through their activities.
- The Baronial Signet maintains a list of scribes who are willing to produce scrolls.
- ALL scrolls for BMDL awards are assigned through the Baronial Signet office.
- Tournament/Prize scrolls: These scrolls are part of the responsibility of the Baronial Signet's office. Please give a minimum of one month lead on any Tournament or Prize scrolls being requested. Earlier is always better.
- If a scribe can not complete an assignment or deliver a scroll on time, the Baronial Signet should be notified prior to the event, in order to have the scroll re-assigned or allow a promissory to be presented. The Baronial Signet must be informed before a scroll assignment can be released to another scribe, as there are sometimes special requests by Their Excellencies, the recipient, and other scribes to be considered in re- assigning the scroll. If you cannot complete an assignment, but have another artist interested in it, include that information when you contact the Baronial Signet.
To be assigned Barony scrolls:
- Contact the Baronial Signet via email at to express interest in creating scrolls for the Barony.
- The signet will then send you a welcome email with the following questionnaire. The questionnaire should be completed within five days of receiving the welcome email. No scrolls can be assigned without this questionnaire being completed.
SCA Name:
Mundane Name:
Preferred Email:
Do you do calligraphy, illumination, or both?: What is your preferred style? Is there anything that I should know that will help me with giving you assignments (particular time constraints, a need for lead time greater than three weeks, someone you'd want to do a scroll for, etc.):
Acceptable Baronial scrolls meet these guidelines:
- They include the necessary information and spaces for appropriate signatures.
- They are made of suitable materials. See the Kingdom's Scribal handbook for specifics.
- Proper credit is given for all work. Please sign your work in pencil on the back, noting all scribes involved. The more information you give, the more you educate others. Please include information like:
- "Calligraphy by (scribe) using (name of calligraphy hand)"
- "Wording by (scribe) based on (name of source)"
- "Illumination..."
- "by" = an original design
- "inspired by" = if you combine elements from more than one period source and / or your own designs
- "based on" = the layout is hand drawn but based on an existing piece
- "copied from" = traced from a period source. Tracing is an acceptable method of creating scrolls, both in period and modernly.
- They appear medieval.
- They represent your best effort.
Plagiarism laws aside, the Society is based on the ideals of chivalry and honor, so please credit any work used.